Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Nervous Day

HBS(Harvard Business Study) discussion in the funny..We all got a litte bit nervous. there are 10 questions to be discussed in group about 30 minutes. Although we feel very nervous but after begin the discussion, we think that are so easy, one person just need to talk around 10 seconds.Then our Dc Zaidi will summarize our point.
Symbian, Google & Apple in the Mobile Space (A)
In this article include many like Symbian's History,The Mobile Industry Value Chain, 3G 4G and beyond, Symbian's Operating System, Symbian Competitors, and Managing Uncertainly..At the end of the discussion, my conclusion is Apple and Google are more better than Symbian. But one of my friend say that Android is better than Symbian.Apple not very good.We around 5p.m end our interesting discussion.

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